Tribute Wall
Previous family posted a condolence
Saturday, September 16, 2023
I have many. Some give me trouble to this day.
Previous family posted a condolence
Saturday, September 16, 2023
There is so much left out of this obituary it is laughable. Those of us who lived it know there is so much more.
Dennis tate posted a condolence
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Gary led me through trials and travails educating an idiot hillbilly into an effective fighting force of one. Love that man. Back then if you wanted to get an education at utc you could because of him and his ilk. There's a wetland by E. Ridge at I24 because of him. Go Team! Much love! Dennis Tate, MPA
Robert E Giles, Jr. posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
I graduated from Univ of Chattanooga in 1968 with a biology degree. Dr. Litchford was a favorite biology professor there; he was bright, knew his stuff, and was young enough (early 30's) to relate well with us immature college students.
The Biology dept was small and fortunately all of teachers were top-notch.
I remember one of those out-of-classroom experiences with Dr. L. It was over Cmas holidays, and one of my dear childhood friends, an English major from another college, was home and came to me, the biology major, with the possibility of having a sexually transmitted disease. So here I am, the biology major, who knew some of the terms involved but had no clue as to what advice to give my friend. Thus, I called Dr. L and his advice was very succinct, "Send him to the Health Department." I relayed the advice to my friend who I know went to the H.D., but I never heard the result of his visit. Dr. L. and I laughed about that incident over the next couple of years.
I graduated, left town for some years, but then returned to Chattanooga and would see Dr. Litchford from time to time at UTC functions. Upon my attendance last year (2018) for my 50th UC Reunion, I asked about Dr. Litchford, but no one seemed to have any news about him. We were asked to fill out an information sheet about things we remembered about our time on campus. Yes, I often was floundering there as an undergraduate student. So, in 2018 I wrote, "I wish Dr. Litchford had kicked my butt and made me study more." But that really wasn't the kind of guy he was......he was very "academic," but as is often the case, college professors have more effect on their students than they realize. Career-wise, I have done pretty well as a Clinical Pharmacist, even having a long-time faculty appointment with UT. Of course I credit Dr. Litchford and those other fine UC professors for pointing me in the right direction. Thanks, Dr. Litchford, for helping mold me into the health care professional that I am.
Robert "Ned" Giles, Jr., PharmD (UC '68)
Anne Haley posted a condolence
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A loving grandfather, friend, teacher, mentor and inspiration to many. May his memory be eternal.
Nancy Twitty McBride uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
May you Rest in Peace Doc, you are truely missed. I have been trying to contact you and now I know why you never replied. I will miss you so much but I am glad for the time we had together. I just wish it could have been more. I know you are happy because you are with Joyce again and you are not bothered by your health problems anymore. Doc, I Love and miss you terribly, Thanksgiving and Holidays won't be the same. Love you, Nancy
Prayers to family and all his friends...
Kat Albrecht (Harris) posted a condolence
Monday, November 18, 2019
Doc was a wonderful person, friend, mentor, professor, dive instructor, and inspiration. I learned so much from him and am so grateful I got to know him and dive alongside him. He will surely be missed! Love you Doc!
Spencer Slate posted a condolence
Monday, November 18, 2019
Loved Doc Gary, dove with me since I opened 41 years ago here in the keys. Yes, he was truly a lover of the sea and a huge protector of all things in it....the world is a much better place because Doc Gary was in sad to know he is gone. Love you man! Capt. Spencer Slate
Amanda McCrum Poynter uploaded photo(s)
Monday, November 18, 2019
+ 5
Some of my personal photos of the different adventures I had with Doc
Larry “Pete” Carlton posted a condolence
Monday, November 18, 2019
You will be missed old friend. Rest In Peace.
Kaitlin Sawyer posted a condolence
Monday, November 18, 2019
Doc was a great professor. He had such a good heart. He cared about his students and wanted to make sure they saw success in everything they did. I had classes with him that included trips to the Keys and the Bahamas. Those are some of my best memories of college. I talk about him often to friends and family. He has forever made an impact on my life.
Tim Gaudin posted a condolence
Monday, November 18, 2019
Gary was my longtime colleague at UTC. To me, he was the epitome of tough love, someone who demanded much of his students, but cared for them deeply. They knew this, and returned his love. In all the time I have been at UTC, I am not sure I know of a faculty member who was so loved by his students, and who had a bigger positive impact on the lives of so many. Beneath his sometimes gruff exterior, I saw someone I always admired, someone who loved his job, his students, his community and his planet, and who tried his best to pass on that love to those around him. He will be greatly missed in our Department and our University.
Aaron Schoolfield uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, November 17, 2019
2008 Key Largo UTC Scuba Trip
Mark Schorr posted a condolence
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gary was a wonderful science educator. He had a positive impact on countless students and many others at UTC. He made several concrete contributions to the University. The GIS laboratory and marine biology field courses are a couple of examples. He was a great colleague. I will miss Gary.
-Mark Schorr
Henry "Rardy" Spratt posted a condolence
Sunday, November 17, 2019
I first met Gary when I traveled to Chattanooga to interview for the microbiologist position in the Biology & Environmental Science Department at UTC in 1994. He always impressed me as all business, talking away that first dinner meeting about his plans for the early stage geographic information system (GIS) computer lab he was just setting up. As you might know, today the GIS lab has grown so much that it is a separate entity that serves the entire UTC community. Over the years I learned of Gary's deep love for our department, and his family, friends, and his motorcycle. I was moved to learn of the Joyce Litchford Scholarship, set up by Gary in honor of his late wife, I was awed by his insistence to ride his motorcycle to San Diego, CA each year to attend the annual ESRI meeting. He was always willing to answer my questions, and did so in a professional manner. I remember one incident in particular where Gary, Jim Brown (at the time Executive Director of the Tennessee River Gorge Trust), my son Richard, and I took a field trip through the Tennessee River gorge. Richard was 10 or 11 and was relatively shy. Gary made a point of talking to Richard in a kind manner that helped Richard have an enjoyable, educational day. I saw in Gary that day his love for our youth, and the need to educate them about our environment. In recent years, post retirement I didn't get a chance to visit with Gary much, but every time I saw him, it was as though we had last talked only yesterday. I will miss Gary greatly, as I saw in him the roots of our modern department, and his advice to keep it on track. May God bless his soul and make HIs face shine upon him evermore!
JOHN TUCKER uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Doc and his dear friend and colleague Marketa!
Jason Houck posted a condolence
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Doc was my advisor as an environmental science graduate student. I met him as an undergraduate GIS student and later worked in his lab. He was the single biggest academic influence I ever had and he continues to inspire me as I work to live up to his memory with students my own. He was kind. He loved his students and they/we most certainly loved him. He will be missed.
Chris Greene lit a candle
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Chris Greene posted a condolence
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sincere condolences. Doc will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by former students and friends of his in The Bahamas. God bless!
Melissa "Missy" Dickinson Taylor uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Melissa "Missy" Dickinson Taylor posted a condolence
Saturday, November 16, 2019
I met Doc in College as a student of his in Environmental Science and GIS. I studied iguanas with him in the Bahamas. He taught me how to orienteer at his property on the side of lookout mountain, an experience that I'll never forget. He gave me lots of great memories and taught me to fend for myself and that I could do anything! I lost touch with him a few years ago, but he'll always be in my thoughts! Thank you for making such significant impacts on my life. Rest in peace. Lots of love, Missy.
Anne Haley uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Anne Haley and Michael Bryant lit a candle
Friday, November 15, 2019
Anne Haley and Michael Bryant posted a condolence
Friday, November 15, 2019
Thank you for all the years, the love, the stories and the kinship. You will always be a treasured part of our family and our lives.
May your memory be eternal.
The family of Dr. Robert Gary Litchford uploaded a photo
Friday, November 15, 2019
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Dr. Robert
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